![]() Today is Day 30 and I almost procrastinated putting this post up until tomorrow. Today was a long day, I was super immersed in getting things done for work while working from home, bedtime for Audrey was tough tonight and she ended up not going down until wayyy past her bedtime and my husband and I seemed to be taking turns all day getting on each other's last nerve. It was just one of those days. I was so tired and caught myself zoning out on my phone scrolling through social media and honestly just being mindless about it all. Earlier in the day I said that I was going to take a long, candlelit bath tonight once I was done with everything. I do this sometimes as an evening meditation of sorts and a way to wind down and give some self-care. During my mindless scrolling I was really close to scrapping the bath and just climbing into bed, still with the grit of the day on my body and in my mind. Just a couple of days ago, I listened to Ange Peter's podcast How to own your Phone....and not have it own you. It was a lot about ways to keep our phone use in check but at the heart she spoke about how just being present is one of the most productive things we can ever do for ourselves. Our phone makes it incredibly easy to not be present, and for many of us, in moments when we don't want to just sit with what is, we can quickly and easily turn to the mindlessness of the slot machine like scroll. This podcast resonated with me so much that as soon as it finished, I deleted Facebook from my phone, turned off all alerts and organized all of my apps into folders on the first screen so I don't even have to scroll to find what I need and have to be intentional with what I am trying to find. I even turned off my email alerts and have made the decision that I am going to check my mail only at certain times during the day. Basically I am on a mission to get my screen time down and to not have my smartphone be an extension of my own arm. It's already hard. But back to the bath. After that little voice in my head reminded me of what Ange said about the most productive people are the ones who choose presence with what is, even in the smallest moments (hello, no more taking the phone into the bathroom!) I knew that if I was going to adhere to this mission, I had to take the bath. And I did. And as I was lying there I knew that I had to write my final post for this 30 day challenge to myself on the day I am supposed to. I knew I just had to get present with myself and my commitment And so I am writing the final post of the challenge about presence and how this daily action of blogging has actually supported me and inspired me to be present. Oh and to say that this is not my final post because while I have done the 30 days in a row, this blog is quickly becoming the backbone of all that I have to offer in my work. So while I am unplugging in many ways, I am also plugging in, in stronger and more impactful ways. I hope that what I have to share and offer on this blog, creates the space and inspiration for us all to get more present in our lives. I know it seems ironic for a blogger to basically say, hey get off your device, aka stop reading my blog! But I am saying it, because I want you to come here with the intention of wanting to be inspired and ignited to rising to your highest self and your utmost presence in this life while we are lucky enough to have it. So tonight I will sleep well knowing I was present with a challenge for 30 days and tomorrow I will wake up knowing how lucky I am that it starts all over again because it means there is more work to be done, more learning to discover, more to create and so much to be present for.
![]() Last Week on Thanksgiving morning, my amazing mama hosted a donation based yoga class. I actually wasn't really paying attention to what it was we were donating towards until I actually arrived at the class. I was just happy to get my pre-Turkey day yoga on. Right before class began, my mama introduced Kristina Malone, who is the creator and founder of Santas Letters. She went on to explain that when her husband worked for the post office, she found him one day responding to a pile of letters. He told her that the letters were sent to Santa and he had, for fun, taken it upon himself to respond the the letters, as he knew that they would otherwise go unanswered. Loving this idea, she joined him in his quest to respond back to as many letters as possible. What they discovered was that many of the letters contained very simple requests. Sometimes the most basic items were needed, such as toothbrushes and winter coats. Sometimes it was a request to help make a sick parent well again. As you can imagine, this could be heartbreaking to read and not really be able to do anything about it. However, Kristina and Sean were determined to make something happen. So, in just the past few months, they have officially launched Santas Letters, Inc. Posting a mailbox outside of their own home, people can come and drop off letters to Santa in a clearly marked envelope! Santa himself will then reply and each child will receive a letter back. And to take it even further, Kristina and Sean are making it a point to help in as many practical ways as possible! Whether it is a winter coat, money for utility bills or a single present under the Christmas tree, they are making it their mission to surround their community and those who need support this season a priority. In fact, on their site they say "Hundred of Local families need our help, and it begins with our community". I knew the moment that I heard Kristina speak about Santas Letters and what they were doing that I wanted to connect her with Supportful and get a Care Page set up. What they are doing is truly in alignment with what we are also creating and so I am incredibly proud to share their page: Please visit Supportful.com/SantasLetters to make a donation or purchase a gift that has been requested in a child's letter. I love so much that this collaboration happened because of a yoga class. I love that when we take time to support each other in small and simple ways, it creates a ripple effect. One letter at a time, one breath at a time, one supportful action at a time, we all have the power to make an impact. ![]() This past Friday, the women of our family held a surprise baby shower for my sister-in-law Ansley. She is currently 7 months pregnant with their first child and we knew that while we were all in the same place for the holiday, we wanted to also celebrate our newest incoming member! I also wanted to do something a little extra special for Ansley and celebrate her transition into motherhood. I had heard about Blessingways which are traditional Navajo ceremonies where the women of the community come together to celebrate a woman's rite of passage into becoming a mother. The biggest difference from our now traditional baby showers is that while they tend to focus on the baby, a blessingway focuses on the mama. I loved this idea and knew that it would also be something that Ansley would align with! In fact, she is the first person to ever introduce me to essential oils and what they can do! So as I was looking up all kinds of Blessingway ceremonies to do, I came up with an idea of my own that centered around oils. I got to thinking about how something I would want to bestow upon my sister-in-law or any new mama is the importance of self-care and how it directly translates and effects how we care for our little ones. And one of my favorite self-care practices is carving out the time to take a long, relaxing bath myself. It most likely means that I am going to have to clean up all of the bath toys that were used earlier that night while bathing my daughter, but there is even something ceremonious about that. It's as if I am saying "Ok I cared for you all day, will do the same tomorrow but for now it is my turn to care for me." I will dim the lights, light some candles and listen to music, a podcast that I love or simply sit in the peace of silence. I also thought that perhaps she will have the opportunity to, while in labor, care for herself in this way. This ended up not being an option myself, however I did offer myself a bath often throughout my pregnancy. So, I bought some epsom salts and gathered some of my favorite oils for just the occasion. I then went to my Emotions and Essential Oils book and simply printed out each oil and the emotional meaning behind it At the shower, after we played some really fun games, right before we went to opening presents, I brought out the salts in a large bowl and placed the oils next to it with the paper of meanings. I then explained to everyone that each of us would take a turn, come up and pick an oil that resonated with us to be used as a blessing for Ansley. I told them that they could simply pick an oil because they loved the smell, or they loved the emotional meaning or if they had a very specific blessing and or words of love that they wanted to share with her they could do that. They would each then place a drop of their chosen oil into the salts. What she would be left with is a gorgeous blend of epsom salt soak and essential oils, but each time she would use it, she would be surrounded by the love, support and blessings of each of the women in the room that day. If I may humbly say, it was a beautiful moment in the day and one that I am surely going to use again and again. My journey of motherhood has taught me that the role of sisterhood in the lives of women is ever so important. A ceremony such as this reminds us of that importance and encourages us to continue to uplift and support each other on our individual journeys, collectively. It is, yet again, a stunning reminder how we can use essential oils to connect us to ourselves and each other. Klutz the Kind Elf has been visiting us each day for 6 days now and we are going strong! So far he has asked Audrey to give hugs to everyone, share, make something special for someone, be a helper, give away toys that she no longer plays with and write letters to people she loves! Tomorrow he is ready to go with the kind request of sharing her voice to brighten someone's day! She will be asked to sing a song, record it and send it to someone who could use a smile. In all honesty, she doesn't love being recorded on video singing, so I may try to do it as a voice memo instead! I have loved watching her enthusiasm grow each day. The first couple of days she definitely wasn't so sure about this new guy who would show up every day in a different spot. But the last couple of day she has come downstairs with such excitement wondering where Klutz will be that day. It has also been so fun to weave Klutz's kindness message throughout each day. We have talked to her about why it's so important to show and tell people that you love them and to be someone who is a helper. Today we talked about why it matters that she recognizes how privileged she is to have all of the toys that she does and that not everyone is as fortunate is she is. So we give when we can, as much as we can because it matters in the lives of others, even if we can't see how. All in all, it is going well. I do know that there are some bigger tasks coming up and as we have been away from home still following Thanksgiving, it will become more of a challenge to stick with it some days! And yet, we will as I can already feel the impact Klutz is having on making this season so much more about the feeling and the action vs. the presents! In case you are still looking to begin your Klutz journey, I am re-sharing his notes! And I would love to hear from anyone who is doing it, how it is going for you! Happy Elf-ing! Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday and I want to proudly and humbly ask you to consider creating a Supportful Care Page for someone you know who could use some practical support right now.
My daughter is named after the actress Audrey Hepburn. I grew up absolutely loving and idolizing her. It would be easy to think it was because of her beauty and grace and the glamour that seemingly comes with being a famous Hollywood actress. In some ways it was. But what I honestly remember the most about her and what made a huge impact on me when I was younger was that even with all that she had, many being things that I desired for myself, her most cherished roles were that of being a mother and an ambassador for UNICEF. Now a mother myself, I can understand the immense importance of having a giving heart. Not just so that I give to my daughter, but so I may help to leave some lasting imprint on how important it is to think of others and ask the question "How can I Help?". I am no Audrey Hepburn, but I am the Community Manager of Supportful.com and I believe so strongly and wholeheartedly in what we are creating. And so as we enter this season of giving, I am posing the question to us all: How can we Help? A Care Page may just be the answer to this question. And if I can be of service to you so that you get the support you need, please don't hesitate to reach out! To create a free Care Page head to www.Supportful.com I have been working with and talking to so many people lately who are looking to support their thyroid health by way of integrative and holistic approaches, and wish to use essential oils. I absolutely love this article that Dr. Mariza Snyder wrote for mindbodygreen.com that helps to shed light on exactly how essential oils can be used when it comes to keeping our hormones in check, healing from and preventing issues with our thyroid.
You can read the full article HERE Then head over to mydoterra.com/sarapackard to check out the oils she mentions in the article. Finally, I would love to jump on a call with you this week to help answer any questions you may have and get you started using essential oils in a way that will support your overall health! Did you know that I am my own small business? Both with One OM at a Time Yoga Classes and being a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, I make much of my income through running my own small organization. When you purchase essential oils from me, a portion of what you buy goes directly to me and a subscription to One OM at a Time online yoga is 100% profit for myself and my mama who teach the classes. For a long time, I brushed off the importance of shopping small and now I am planning on doing the majority of my Christmas shopping by supporting other small businesses. I especially love supporting other women who are involved in their own direct sales companies. Where once I was a total skeptic of this business model, I am now a fully fledged believer. Imagine that when you need to purchase something, you could go to your friend or neighbor, buy from them and not only get what you want, but also know who your money is going towards supporting. We often balk at this model because it is so unlike and unfamiliar with how we have set up enterprise in our culture. And yet, I am always the advocate for doing the things that are the least popular and off the beaten path.
So this Holiday Season, I would love for you to support me and anyone in your life who you know runs their own small business. If you are looking for anything essential oil related or to purchase yoga classes that you can practice anytime and anywhere, I am your gal! Shop small, it makes a BIG impact! Admittedly, I am still new to Copaiba. Although it has been swirling around me for some time now, and I have known that I must know more, I have yet to uncover it. And that is what I love about this work and these oils, there is always something new to learn and it is a continuous lifelong process! So in my quest for knowledge, I have turned to those I admire and trust and am sharing their words of wisdom in regards to Copaiba. And here is one thing I have learned today, I am PSYCHED that today's BOGO and the universe has thrown this oil my way today and my attention has finally been turned towards it! I cannot wait to get my hands on it! From Dr. Robin Fawcett - The Essential GP It’s time to talk about COPAIBA 💫 Did you know that cannabis plants are NOT the only source of cannabinoids? . The news here in Europe has been full of discussion about balancing the potential health benefits of plant cannabinoids with the risks posed by the psychoactive effects of cannabis extracts and the need to regulate the trade. . Enter copaiba essential oil, distilled from protected copaifera trees in S. American rainforests. Copaiba is extremely high in beta-caryophyllene, a powerful phytocannabinoid compound which is selectively active on CB2 receptors and therefore completely spares the psychoactive receptors which are activated by other cannabinoids. . The scientific literature on copaiba and beta-carophyllene is growing rapidly and I highly recommend doing a search on Pub Med to learn about some of the astonishing discoveries ✨ We have been using this oil in our home since September, and it is definitely a favourite 🙌 . This is an oil with limitless uses, but here are a few ideas: 🌿 Add 1-3 drops to drinking water daily (adults) to promote healthy levels of inflammation 🌿 Use a drop under your tongue (adults) to support your immune system when needed 🌿 Massage with carrier oil to soothe occasional aches and pains 🌿 Add to skin care serums/creams to promote glowing skin 🌿 Drink in water (adults) or apply with carrier oil to the abdomen to support the digestive system 🌿 Diffuse with citrus oils and/or other tree oils to lift a low mood or reduce anxious feelings 🌿 Apply a drop to the roof of the mouth to support neurological function . There are SO many incredible testimonies about this essential oil — I’d love to hear your stories in the comments below! And an amazing video from her! And finally, from my Teacher Elena Brower, the Emotional Benefits of Copaiba! Watch HERE And to purchase today's BOGO, which is buy a bottle of Copaiba, get a bottle of Deep Blue for free, click on the button below! You will also be entered into a raffle today for some Deep Blue Rub travel packs, and anyone who creates a Wholesale Account will receive something special at the end of the week! A ![]() I know that the official day for expressing gratitude is two days away, but today I just want to say that I am incredibly grateful that just over a year ago, I stepped into the world of doTERRA, became a wellness advocate, but most importantly began to shift my own inner vision. I am grateful for the oils themselves, and the daily offerings they provide, I am grateful for the community, leadership and inspiration of my mentors. I am grateful for the constant connection that I get to make with each and every person who I get to support in using essential oils and for those who join my team. I was a skeptic and a doubter for the longest time. Perhaps it wasn't always the right time or the right people, but the truth is, I had to get out of my own way. So mostly I am grateful for that. That instead of sticking to my own story of why it won't work, or getting caught up in the fear of what others would think of me, or thinking it was work for someone else to do and not me (aka I don't belong), I pushed all of that aside and said yes. In the last few months, I have seen a shift in how my inner vision is going to become a reality. There is still so much work to do, so much to say yes to, but tonight I am taking a moment to pause and feel the gratitude. I hope that we all do that this week, as often as possible. As the quote goes "Gratitude turns what we have into enough". |
Sara Packardis a Mama, Wife, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Coach, Writer and Activist. You can read more about her here. Archives
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